My teaching style is to make the student feel valued and to always go above and beyond to encourage them to constantly improve themselves. I believe enthusiasm and commitment is the best way to keep a student motivated to work hard.
Response rate: N/A
Response time: being calculated
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The latest safety check for this tutor is from 2022
Teaching experience
I now currently work as a Maths tutor in London on Saturdays (since September 2021 to date), where I have gained plenty of valuable experience in teaching, reinforcing my passion and drive to succeed as a teacher in future. My responsibilities as a tutor including delivering Maths lessons to students that range across different age groups which include both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 with a variety of abilities and providing the students feedback on tasks in lessons and homework assignments. This has also given me more confidence when it comes to building and developing a rapport with the students which in turn enables me to create a more interactive learning environment for the students to make them feel more comfortable, which I believe is the best and most efficient way to get the best out of students. In addition, this experience has taught me about the importance of differentiation in lesson planning and how it is facilitated.
During my years of education, I studied for a master’s degree (2017) in Financial Risk Management at the Birkbeck, University of London whist working as Data Analyst and previously to that, I received a BSc in Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics from the University of Warwick. I believe my masters and undergraduate degree combined with the analytical nature of my work as an Analyst have laid the foundations for me to acquire strong numerical and problem-solving skills and hence puts me in good stead to be a successful competent Maths teacher.
Birbeck, University of London
MSc Financial Risk Management
The University of Warwick
BSc Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics
Subjects taught
Maths (GCSE)
Maths (KS3)
Maths (Primary)
Statistics (A Level)
Chemistry (GCSE)
Physics (GCSE)
Tutor availability often changes. We recommend contacting Sinclair to arrange a time.
Notice period
There is a three day notice period for booking requests.
This tutor has not been reviewed yet.
The exact location will be given after a lesson is booked.