Hi, I'm Sara. I'm an experienced professional singing teacher based in north London. I work with students of all ages and abilities to develop healthy vocal techniques to support their singing ambitions!
Singing tutor in Barnet, London
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My experience means I can provide an excellent level of singing tuition. Plus, I have the ability to work with students of all abilities and ages. Whatever your goals are, we can work together and work towards these.
I have been teaching singing and singing techniques since 2003. Working in all contemporary popular music genres, like Pop and RnB.
My teaching can include techniques in a wide range of music genres. I am in fact a Jazz and Gospel specialist! Plus, I can teach the Rockschool syllabus.
In addition to my teaching practice, I run two choirs, creating my own arrangements of popular songs.
Goldsmiths College
Post Graduate Certificate in Music Teaching
Subjects taught
Music Theory
Tutor availability often changes. We recommend contacting Sara to arrange a time.
Notice period
There is a three day notice period for booking requests.
This tutor has not been reviewed yet.
The exact location will be given after a lesson is booked.