The review is from a private student or students when Sachin joined TeachTutti.
Economics (A Level)Economics (GCSE) Full details
North Finchley , London
£80 per/ 60 mins
Welcome from Sachin
I am a highly experienced teacher and private tutor of economics and business studies. I have tutored students from an array of backgrounds, from top UK public school students and from other cultures including Russian and Chinese students.
Response rate: 0%
Response time: a few days or more
To protect your payment, never transfer money or communicate outside the TeachTutti website.
Toptutors are experienced and highly rated tutors who consistently provide quality lessons for their students
This tutor has all qualifications verified by TeachTutti
Safety check2022
This tutor has an enhanced DBS check
The latest safety check for this tutor is from 2022
Teaching experience
I adapt each lesson to the personal requirements of the student. It is their learning needs and their learning goals that determine the programme of work that we undertake.
I am very patient with students but I have a vigorous approach to learning to ensure the potential of every student is met.
Institute of Education, UCL
Postgraduate Certificate in Education
Institute of Education
MA in Business Education
Subjects taught
Economics (A Level)
Economics (GCSE)
Tutor availability often changes. We recommend contacting Sachin to arrange a time.
Notice period
There is a three day notice period for booking requests.
Sam Hurst
24 May 2022
This is a reference from a private student when Sachin joined TeachTutti
Mr. Sehgal has aided my learning immensely, especially with my essay writing skills for A-Level Economics. Helping me to find the answer with my own knowledge and then apply it in the structure required for each question. I have found his tutoring sessions extremely beneficial toward my learning and consolidation of knowledge.