I have been a Maths and native Arabic tutor for 12 years. I am a highly motivated and hardworking individual, approaching every session with energy and enthusiasm, sharing my passion with students to enthuse and motivate them to achieve their goals.
Response rate: N/A
Response time: being calculated
To protect your payment, never transfer money or communicate outside the TeachTutti website.
This tutor has all qualifications verified by TeachTutti
Safety check2022
This tutor has an enhanced DBS check
The latest safety check for this tutor is from 2022
Teaching experience
I have more than 12 years experience in tutoring and I am happy to offer my skills and experience to you and to your children. I love to teach by building strong relationships and helping people to make changes in their lives through inspiration and story-telling. This is why I think my tutoring is so effective.
I adapt my teaching to the student, and so my approach varies. I spend the first part of the lesson with a new student by talking to the student to assess what they want to achieve and set out a clear path in order to enable the student to accomplish these goals.
I promote a relaxed yet structured working environment so that the student gains confidence in their own ability.
I use a whiteboard which allows me to present the topic easily and I make all lessons interactive and more helpful for the students.
I use worksheets and exam style questions to test the student's knowledge, based on what has been taught.
in addition to that, on zoom I share the screen and let my student work on my screen from a distance as if he/she is next to me.
civil engineering
Subjects taught
Maths (Primary)
Tutor availability often changes. We recommend contacting Nahla to arrange a time.
Notice period
There is a three day notice period for booking requests.
This tutor has not been reviewed yet.
The exact location will be given after a lesson is booked.