I have 3 years of teaching experience in maths and am good at communicating ideas in a simplistic way. I use my iPad to teach with a combination of slides and handwritten to give an in-classroom feeling.
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Safety check2021
This tutor has an enhanced DBS check
The latest safety check for this tutor is from 2021
Teaching experience
I have 3 years experience teaching maths.
I have an engineering and an MBA degree hence Im fluent in advanced maths as well as differential and integral calculus. British school maths is also something am comfortable with. I can teach KS3, KS4, GCSE syllabus which includes modules such as linear graphs, surds and indices, ratios etc.
I use a combination of slides and a white blackboard where I write down and explain things like equations, graphs etc. I can share my screen and go through a problem with you so that you fully understand the steps involved.
I also try to inspire my students by giving real-life examples that are relatable.
Students are free to stop me at any time and ask doubts, I will be more than happy to. My objective is to fully communicate the concept so that you can be ready to face any challenge in your subject.
University of warwick
Masters in Business Analytics
Subjects taught
Basic IT Skills
Computer Programming
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Powerpoint
Microsoft Word
Maths (GCSE)
Maths (KS3)
Maths (Primary)
Eleven Plus (11+)
Tutor availability often changes. We recommend contacting Mukunda to arrange a time.
Notice period
There is a three day notice period for booking requests.
This tutor has not been reviewed yet.
The exact location will be given after a lesson is booked.