Hi, I'm Monika! A Piano teacher in central London. I have been teaching piano for 21 years and believe that music can be truly magical when taught in the right way! I teach students aged from 3 to 178+ years :)
Piano tutor, in Battersea, London
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I have a very strong classical background, but each of my students receives tailored lessons. Based on their abilities and interests, my tuition is customised so that the student can reach their full potential!
I attended Presov University, Slovakia, and graduated with a BA in Piano Performance and Music Theory.
Through playing and teaching the Jazz and Blues genres, I have developed my unique teaching style. I encourage a large amount of freedom and improvisation in musical playing, no matter the genre.
I believe that every person is musically unique, and I look forward to helping you learn to play the piano or further your skills!
Royal College of Music
MA in Music Teaching
University of Presov
MA in Piano Performance and Music Theory
Subjects taught
Music Theory
Tutor availability often changes. We recommend contacting Monika to arrange a time.
Notice period
There is a three day notice period for booking requests.
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The exact location will be given after a lesson is booked.