My name is Mercy and I'm a singing teacher! Since graduating from the London Centre of Contemporary Music in July 2015, I have performed in various venues all over London.
Singing Teacher, in Southwark, London
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I have experience in teaching instrumentalists vocal techniques and harmony. This is where my tutoring began. The main aim was to prepare students to sing the lead or backing vocals as a part of their bands.
Many of my students have never studied singing before. But over the years, they have shown significant improvement and progress under my careful guidance.
I believe that confidence is a huge part of giving a great performance. Having the boldness to sing a melody with complete conviction is half the battle of winning over an audience. Within my vocal lessons, I not only focus on technique and accuracy, but also on confidence, stage presence, and conviction.
I have also worked with young children aged 3-11 years old, volunteering as a Sunday School teacher at my local church. For the last four years, I have taught songs, basic vocal techniques, and an understanding of vocal harmony.
London Centre of Contemporary Music
BA in Musical Performance and Production
Subjects taught
Music Theory
Tutor availability often changes. We recommend contacting Mercy to arrange a time.
Notice period
There is a three day notice period for booking requests.
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The exact location will be given after a lesson is booked.