It is only our dedication towards our passion that distinguishes a champion from the crowd. I firmly believe that learning a language is all about allowing yourself to be immersed within its rich history, culture and literature.
Response rate: N/A
Response time: being calculated
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This tutor has all qualifications verified by TeachTutti
Safety check - pending
The enhanced DBS check for this tutor is being processed
Teaching experience
I first began teaching in August 2021 when I was looking to fuel my passion for my French A level course into relaying my knowledge to my students. To my surprise, I found myself truly enjoying my own lessons and building a strong connection with my tutees since that is the foundation for a successful transaction of knowledge.
I always make sure that learning the language is something the student is genuinely passionate about and is willing to invest time and effort into this long process. It is indeed a major commitment for both the student and the teacher. However, this is the process I am fond of and continue to undergo to this day.
Holland Park School
A Level French - A
Subjects taught
Tutor availability often changes. We recommend contacting Lizaveta to arrange a time.
Notice period
There is a three day notice period for booking requests.
This tutor has not been reviewed yet.
The exact location will be given after a lesson is booked.