My lessons are interactive upbeat I am experienced tutoring Maths Chemistry Biology for GCSEs primary school. My main focus is to ensure that your child deeply understands the subject can apply their knowledge to all situations concepts.
Response rate: 100%
Response time: within a few hours
To protect your payment, never transfer money or communicate outside the TeachTutti website.
The latest safety check for this tutor is from 2022
Teaching experience
- I was a part-time tutor for a tutoring company called Explore learning for 9 months where I tutored children from ages 4 - 16 with a focus on maths English Reading and some Science. At Explore Learning tasks involved supporting the children with their work teaching the children academic skills. Afterwards I stopped working at Explore as I wanted to take time off to prioritise my exams wanted to find experiences in other industries. After receiving AAB in maths biology chemistry at A Levels taking a gap year I'm not in my first year of uni studying Medicine. - Please feel free to get in touch to discuss tuition for yourself or your child. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.- My tutoring style involves a lot of practice and exam questions as I've found studying with the mark scheme is the best revision learning method
Stationers Crownwoods Academy
Bromley High School
A Levels
Lancaster University
Medicine and Surgery MBChB Student
Subjects taught
Maths (GCSE)
Maths (KS3)
Maths (Primary)
Primary (Key Stage 1)
Primary (Key Stage 2)
Biology (GCSE)
Chemistry (GCSE)
Science (GCSE)
Science (KS3)
Tutor availability often changes. We recommend contacting Joan to arrange a time.
Notice period
There is a three day notice period for booking requests.