My teaching style is relaxed and collaborative, but very focussed on achieving the student's goals, which will drive our relationship. I have a bachelors degree in Financial Economics, with an emphasis on the mathematical side of it.
Response rate: N/A
Response time: being calculated
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This tutor has all qualifications verified by TeachTutti
Safety check2022
This tutor has an enhanced DBS check
The latest safety check for this tutor is from 2022
Teaching experience
I have previously tutored GCSE students online, explaining new concepts to them as well as walking them through previous exam papers they had completed and addressing any areas of difficulty.
I work with the student to understand their strengths, which I build on, and areas for improvement, which I focus on. When I identify an area for improvement, I focus initially on ensuring they understand the fundamental concepts of the subject, before walking them through (exam) questions on that topic so that they can put into practice what they have learnt and ensure they have embedded the learning.
University of Kent
Subjects taught
Maths (GCSE)
Tutor availability often changes. We recommend contacting Dimitar to arrange a time.
Notice period
There is a three day notice period for booking requests.