Award-winning harpist, dedicated to getting the best from my students. I have received the Leverhulme Award and Stanley Picker Award. I am hard-working, enthusiastic, and committed to my students.
Harp Tutor, in Westminster, London
Response rate: N/A
Response time: being calculated
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It is my belief that every student is unique and requires an individual style of teaching and tuition.
I strongly base my teaching method on the harp technique. However, this changes and adapts to each student's goals and abilities.
For the past 4 years, I have been teaching the harp. This includes 2 years working at the music school CEM Maria Grever.
I honestly believe that I have never taught any 2 students in the same way. As each student has their particular way to overcome difficulties, develop their talent and realise their musical ability.
Conservatorio Superior de Música del Liceu
BA in Music
Royal College of Music
Masters in Musical Performance
Subjects taught
Music Theory
Tutor availability often changes. We recommend contacting Anna to arrange a time.
Notice period
There is a three day notice period for booking requests.
This tutor has not been reviewed yet.
The exact location will be given after a lesson is booked.