Toptutor is a status that we award to tutors who have a proven high standard of teaching and are highly rated by their students.
To guarantee Toptutors will maintain a high quality of teaching, only those tutors who have proven their experience and quality over the past year are given Toptutor status. The benefits of being a Toptutor include the following:
- Special recognition - you are clearly marked as a Toptutor on your profile and in the search results. This helps you to stand out from other tutors.
- Visibility - Toptutors are displayed higher in search results, showing your tutor preview to more users on average.
- Exclusive - there is a Toptutor search filter so users can narrow their search and seek out only the best tutors.
How to become a Toptutor
Every 3 months, we assess all tutors who have met the following criteria. If we approve your profile, you will earn or maintain your status as a Toptutor:
- 5+ students - Toptutors need to have a minimum of 5 regular students and have taught at least 60 lessons over the past year. Customers will know you are an experienced tutor.
- 5 star ranking - Toptutors have a minimum of 5 reviews by TeachTutti students and your overall ranking is 5 stars. Students know they will receive a consistently high teaching standard.
- 80+ response rate - Toptutors have a prompt response rate and reply to a minimum of 80% of all new messages within a few hours. This assures customers that they will get a quick reply when they contact a Toptutor.
- Prompt invoicing - Toptutors invoice punctually and on average claim for completed lessons on the day they took place. Students know they will be invoiced punctually for lessons.